Report on the teaching practice during 2 weeks of practice teaching in TAU- Laboratory school:
1.1    Procedures Of Teaching
The step by step procedures during the lesson are :
a.      The students do the greeting;
b.     The student teacher checks the students’ attendance;
c.      The student teacher asks the students to put the rubbish in the trashcan;
d.     The student teacher tells the rules in the class;
e.   The student teacher recalls the last topics and then gives the motivational activity to stimulate the students;
f.       The student teacher explains the topics for the lesson that day;  
g.     The students discuss the tasks given by teacher or problem solving;
h.     The students answer the questions given by the student teacher;
i.       The students do short quiz and game about the topic they have learned that day;
j.       The student teacher gives assessment to the student.

the student gave the conclusion
Play the game as my evaluation 
motivation before started the lesson
First time practice teaching
ask questions about structure of bacteria 

Evaluation day
last meeting in 7 A class

1.2  Time Management and Organizing Activities
The student teacher always tries to keep checking the time management for each students’ activities. The duration for each activities are:
a.    5 minutes for preliminary activities (greetings, motivation activity).
b.   40 minutes for developmental activities (teacher’s explanation, discussion, problem-solving, generalization).
c.    5 minutes for evaluation (assessment, quiz).

1.3  Problem-Solving
The student teacher faced some problems during practice teaching. One of the main problems are about time management and control the students. To solve the problem, the student teacher usually cut the activities and continued on the next activity. For example, the student teacher gave 5 minutes time limit for discussion after explaining each material. The second problem is the noisiness of the students. The fact that the class is Grade 7 in Junior High School makes it understandable that most of the students are still children who still in their adolescent. To solve that, the student teacher kept reminding the rules in the class to the students so the class can be conducive.  

1.4  Classroom Management
The student teacher tried to manage the classroom by memorizing the majority of student’s given name and always giving present to the most active student of the week. It was proved to be effective to make the students become closer to the student teacher. It also made it easier to control and grab their attention, and also it helped to maintain a good relationship between the student teacher and the students.
1.5 Others 
This is a wonderful experience. The student teacher already finish the practice teaching in TAU-Laboratory school. Those wonderful experience of teaching and meet many kind peoples  in the   Philippines. The video can be seen below :
